Gevel I (Facade I), Museum Le Secet, Koudekerke, 2015
camera and modelling parts, enamel paint
21,9 x 13,6 x 3,4 cm

> exhibition views
Museum Le Secet, Koudekerke, Solo, 30 01 – 15 04 2015
Le Secet @ Art Rotterdam, Van Nellefabriek, We Like Art, 05 – 08 02 2015

> construction
03 in progress
04 a photocopy of architect Lina Bo Bardi in her Saõ Paulo Glass House in 1951 serves as a size indication
06 whitened cardboard model of Le Secet’s exhibition space
10 the facade is leaning against the wall, just like Lina Bo Bardi is leaning against her glass facade
11 Gevel I inside its shipping case

> research
01 drawing by architect R.M. Schindler of an emerging Chicago skyline, circa 1915
02 scene from Lost Buildings (2003) by Chris Ware: demolition of the Chicago Rothschild Building in 1972
03 architect Lina Bo Bardi leaning against the window in Casa de Vidro, Saõ Paulo, photo Francisco Albuquerque, 1951
04 model facades of the Lake Shore Drive Apartments in Chicago by Mies van der Rohe before assembly, 1948
05 tilted window frame (210 x 125 x 15 cm) from Recursiekamer leaning against the studio wall, July 2012
06 reverse side of the window frame, showing the outer face
07 frontal view of the exterior of the window frame
08 frontal view of the inner face of the window frame

> links
Museum Le Secet, Koudekerke
SOLO Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer
30 01 – 15 04 2015
De  constructies van Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer zijn ingenieus samengesteld.  Architectonische bouwwerken gemaakt van oude camera-onderdelen verwijzen naar kijken, herinneringen, heden en verleden.

Le Secet, webshop
Le Secet is the online platform to provide access to miniature contemporary art from well known and emerging Dutch artists. Le Secet has a miniature museum as well as a gallery space. It is the sole artist initiative of the Zeeland-based artist/curator Bianca Runge.

© 2015 Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer all rights reserved

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